
The Trinity Iconography Institute was founded in 1996 with the mission to train individuals of any Christian denomination in the prayerful liturgical aid of iconography.  Students agree to commit to the practice, Canons and Rubrics of iconography according to the Eastern Orthodox Christian Church.

The iconography instituted followed in the tradition of a millennium of iconographers by utilizing the same techniques and media in writing this ancient Christian liturgical art.

The Institute’s work is recognized by Trinity as an integral component of the Cathedral’s Spiritual Formation program. Trinity Iconography Institute is also acknowledged as a Diocesan resource, recognized by the Bishop.


Blessed by the Patriarch of Constantinople

In 2010, the Institute was honored for its work helping to bring icons back into use by Western Churches, through an invitation to a private audience and Blessing with His All Holiness, Bartholomew I, the Patriarch of Constantinople of the Orthodox Church.

Blessed by the Orthodox Patriarch, the Iconography Institute is based at Trinity Episcopal Cathedral, where students, come from different faith communities together in a truly ecumenical setting.